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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher night

What are you doing for Meet the Teacher night? I heard some great ideas at the meeting yesterday, but they were all different. Does anyone care to share what they do? What handouts do you have? What sign-ins/ups? What do you do with supplies?

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If you have questions, email me at jennifer_cardenas@roundrockisd.org.


  1. I fixed the security settings making it easier to post. If you have problems let me know.

    Jennifer C.

  2. I collect supplies out in the hallway so the students and families can sort them out for me.

    Sometimes I have a packet of information ready for families. This year I don't. I intend to check off who attended and that's about it.

    Good luck to all!

  3. I have boxes that are labeled along the inside wall of my room (under the hooks) for the children to sort the supplies. I clearly tell the parents that the kids are to do it, with a little help if necessary, but they can see what is in each box and put the right things in.

    I always give them a "handbook" packet of all pertinent info including my daily schedule and usually my yearly unit plan, but this year I may be changing it up some as I go, based on need or student interest (and what fits with the ARRC) so I left that out.

    The parents also fill out an info page to give me before they leave about transportation, how they will eat, a brief checklist of skills (write name? restroom independently? recog. any letters? verbalize easily?), anything they want me to know about their child, any foods they can't eat or allergy/health issues, and (optional) if there are any holidays they don't want their child to participate in activities related to. Also primary language spoken at home and what name should I use to label.... nothing worse than labeling everything with Zanderell to find out he goes by Junior!
