
Welcome to our Pre-K blog. Look here for posts with ideas for lessons, helpful websites, links to materials others have made, and many other great resources. Feel free to comment on anything you see and please share your ideas with us.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet the Teacher night

What are you doing for Meet the Teacher night? I heard some great ideas at the meeting yesterday, but they were all different. Does anyone care to share what they do? What handouts do you have? What sign-ins/ups? What do you do with supplies?

You can respond to this post by clicking "Comments" at the end of the post. Type in your comments and ideas. Click "Post Comment". You will be asked to select a profile. Click on the drop down arrow and select a profile. If you have gmail, select the "Google Account" option and sign in with your Google account email and password. After you click "Post Comment" you will have to type in a word verification. This is to protect our blog from unwanted spam blogs. If you do not have a Google account, I can help you create one. I'm not sure how to post with the other profiles. I am looking in to that. Also, I am going to change some of the security options for posting. Hopefully, this will make it easier to post, but still keep the integrity of the blog.

If you have questions, email me at jennifer_cardenas@roundrockisd.org.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Scholastic Curriculum Link

Here is the link to the Scholastic website about the new Big Day for Pre-K curriculum we talked about at the meeting today. It doesn't give you access to examples of the centers, for example, but does briefly discuss the 5 essential elements for success that the program is based on. There is the option to sign up for more information, but I don't know exactly what that entails.

Scholastic Big Day for Pre-K

Let me know if you have any more questions.

Jennifer Cardenas

Hello to everyone!

This blog is still a work in progress, but it is my hope that this will be a valuable resource for all of the Pre-K teachers in Round Rock. On this blog you will be able to post lesson plan ideas, links to your favorite websites, materials you have made for use in your own classroom, pictures, and lots more. This is a blog for us to use to communicate and share with each other. Please feel free to post comments, suggestions, etc. to improve the blog. I hope everyone has a great year!